Custom Widget Library API Example Code

Use the example code as a basis to start new widget libraries.

HelloWorld.prototype = new WidgetLogic();

 * Widget constructor
function HelloWorld()

 * Called to start the widget when it should draw its contents.  This method
 * will be called once per dashboard load, the widget is then responsible for
 * updating itself thereafter.
 * Useful methods:
 *   this.getResultIDs() : returns the active result ID(s), if applicable (null
 *                        otherwise).
 *   this.getMonitorIDs() : returns the active monitor ID(s), if applicable (null
 *                        otherwise).
 *   this.saveCustomSettings() : saves the widget custom settings immediately 
 *                               (useful for persisting user settings/data)
 * Useful fields:
 *   this.canvas : the HTML element to into which the widget should add DOM
 *                 elements.
 *   this.widget : the widget object, which contains:
 *     customSettings : an associative array (JS object) which contains any
 *                        user-specified settings for this widget.
 *     id             : a unique identifer (whole number) for the widget
 *     color          : the user-defined color of the widget
 *     title          : the user-defined title of the widget
 *     displayName    : the widget's default display name
 *     height         : the user-specified custom height of the widget, or -1
 *                        if the user has not specified a height.
HelloWorld.prototype.start = function()

 * This function, if defined, will be called once if the widget is removed from
 * a dashboard.
HelloWorld.prototype.destroy = function()

 * If this widget needs to render itself differently for print layout, you can
 * use this function to do so.  When the widget is ready to be printed, call
 * the "callbackFunction" that is passed in.
 * params:
 * bForPrinting : Boolean.  True if the widget should draw for print layout, false
 *                if the widget should draw for normal screen layout.
 * oLayoutArgs :  Contains user-selected layout options:
 *            .paperSize : paper size, such as "Letter", "Legal", "A4", etc.
 *            .orientation: paper orientation, either "portrait" or "landscape"
 * callbackFunction : the function that must be called after the widget is finished
 *                    with layout changes.
HelloWorld.prototype.setPrintLayout = function(bForPrinting, oLayoutArgs, callbackFunction)

 * This function, if defined, will be called when a widget is resized.  Usually this
 * function does not need to be defined.  You only need to do so if you have special
 * rendering code in your widget that needs the size of the container.
 * params:
 * newSize : Number.  The new size of the widget, in pixels.
HelloWorld.prototype.onWidgetResize = function(newSize)

 * This function, if defined, can return a string of HTML which will be added
 * to the widget's edit panel.  This allows the user to specify widget custom
 * settings which can be accessed in the start() method via the
 * "customSettings" field.
 HelloWorld.prototype.getCustomSettingsPanelHTML = function()