The Extract a Session ID code

The Replace Version Number script code is used as an example of string replacement.

You can copy the code from this page and paste it into the SOASTA CloudTest > Script Editor, or use the following links to download and import the XML for the entire Extract A Session ID Composition or just the Extract A Session ID Script. SOASTA CloudTest XML cn be imported using the Import icon on the toolbar.

// Get the content of the engine.js file returned from the server.
var dwrEngineJsMessage = $context.currentClip.getChild('engine.js');
var dwrEngineJsBody = dwrEngineJsMessage.getResponse(msg.RESPONSE_HTTP_BODY);

// Extract the scriptSessionId variable from the JavaScript file.
// We are looking for a line similar to the following:
// (example)
// dwr.engine._origScriptSessionId = "E1BA0ED81B186820CE1DD82A7ABAB9DD";
var prefix = 'dwr.engine._origScriptSessionId = "';
var startIndex = dwrEngineJsBody.indexOf(prefix) + prefix.length;
var endIndex = dwrEngineJsBody.indexOf('"', startIndex + 1);
scriptSessionId = dwrEngineJsBody.substring(startIndex, endIndex);

// DWR expects browser to generate a random suffix - 
// this is copied directly from engine.js (see _getScriptSessionId()).
scriptSessionId = scriptSessionId + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);

// Write the final result to the log for informational purposes.
"Extracted scriptSessionId " + scriptSessionId);

// Set the clip property.
$prop.set("MessageClip", "scriptSessionId", scriptSessionId);