Find all JPG/PNG ‘img src’ links in an HTML response

var msg = $context.currentItem.previousItem;
var srcs = msg.getResponse(msg.RESPONSE_TEXT_AS_HTML, "//@src");
var response = msg.getResponse();

// $context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, "response: " +response);

// count the number of ‘<img src=’ matches are in the response
var count_matches = response.split("<img src=").length-1;
$context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, ("<img src matches: " +count_matches));

// split the array each time '<img src="' is found
var array_of_images = response.split("<img src=\"");

//since the first element of the array (prior to the first img src) is not interesting, delete it from the array
// array_name.splice(indexNumber,numberOfElementsToRemove
array_of_images.splice(0, 1);

var array_of_images_cleaned = new Array();

for (x in array_of_images)
// line below shows each element of array
// $context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, "img src" + x+ ": " +array_of_images[x]);

  	// string to find; hard coded
  		var stringToFind = ".png";

  	// Determine if the value exists in the response.
		var searchIndex = array_of_images[x].indexOf(stringToFind);

  	// Determine if the value exists in the response. A -1 Index indicates the
// value was not found in the response.  A positive integer indicates where
// in the response the value was found.

  		if (searchIndex == -1)
    		// $context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, ".png not found ");
    		// string not found, so look for a .jpg
    		  	// string to find; hard coded
	  		var stringToFind = ".jpg";

  		// Determine if the value exists in the response.
			var searchIndex = array_of_images[x].indexOf(stringToFind);

	  		if (searchIndex == -1)
    			// string not found		
    			$context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, ".jpg not found either ");

		// If the value is found, output a confirmation	
			else {
			//$context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, ".jpg found");
			//$context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, "searchIndex: "+searchIndex);	
			final_url = array_of_images[x].substring(0, searchIndex+4);
			//$context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, "final_url: "+final_url);


	// If the value is found, output a confirmation	
		else {
		// $context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, ".png found");
		// $context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, "searchIndex: "+searchIndex);	
		final_url = array_of_images[x].substring(0, searchIndex+4);
		//$context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, "final_url: "+final_url);	

$context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, "length of array_of_images_cleaned: "+array_of_images_cleaned.length);	

// remove duplicates in array by creating a new array
   var r = new Array();
   o:for(var i = 0, n = array_of_images_cleaned.length; i < n; i++) {
      for(var x = i + 1 ; x < n; x++)
         if(array_of_images_cleaned[x]==array_of_images_cleaned[i]) continue o;
      r[r.length] = array_of_images_cleaned[i];

var count_matches = r.length;
$context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, "<img src matches: " +count_matches);

for (x in r)
$context.result.postMessage($context.result.LEVEL_INFO, "img src" + x+ ": " +r[x]);